Friday 14 December 2012

Roller Coaster Update 5

My rollercoaster is finally finished. Everything is assebled and 90% of the time it works flawlessly. It has all been painted and cleaned up for the presentation now.


I have brought the whole contraption to school now and had to make several adjustments to reinstate functionality because the track was slightly off. None of the details broke or got ruined, which is great!

Also I added a siege tower made of popsicle sticks in the middle of a turn, for extra detail.

Sunday 9 December 2012

Roller Coaster Update 4

I have made significant progress in the venture that is my rollercoaster. This physics project has so far cost me several injuries but will be worth it.

In my last post I had built a frame, catapult and had narrowed down the theme.

The next thing that I did was paint it all up to look like a castle, including the wall out front. After this I procrastinated the whole project for about a week. Then I moved on to building the track.

The track was the most annoying part to assemble. At first I couldn't decide if I wanted to start building from the bottom or the top. I began at the bottom and built about 1 meter of the track, going upwards. This idea crashed and burned after the corner didn't work out, so it was torn down and I built top down.

After rereading the guidelines, I learned that I needed to squeeze in at least one loop. It couldn't be too large or the ball bearing would fall off. After figuring out the loop, the rest was relatively simple.
It became a matter of trying not to impale myself on the 1.5" nails that were being used as braces for the rails. When all was built, a lot of things needed twisting, bending, etc. to get the ride to run smoothly.

This is a picture taken shortly after completion of the tracks.